“Know thyself”
Welcome. This is the start of our adventure together. Time to get ourselves ready and ask some big questions. Who am I? How am I? Where am I? Where am I going? What am I doing here? What makes meaning for me? What is my purpose?
So as we look at the A♥️, we see a compass rose, contour lines and markings of rivers and streams. Our life is always in flow, changing and moving but carries the thread of who we are. It is important to regularly reorientate, to work out where we are in our inner world just as we do in the outer world. Whether in this moment, this part of our life, or when we reach transition points.
The Hearts are here to help us work out where we are now and to check in with ourselves.
Divide our Hearts family into three parts:
1) The mood meter: 2♥️, 3♥️, 4♥️ and 5♥️ all work together. They represent our internal weather vane: a place to take our emotional temperature. It can be difficult sometimes to describe what is going on inside and to put a name to what we are feeling. Emotions, like the weather, can be very changeable. To help us work out where we are, these four cards have two aspects to them: an energy level (high or low) and a comfort level (comfortable or uncomfortable). You might want lay them out in a grid: 4♥️ next to 5♥️ on top as they have high energy and 2♥️ next to 3♥️ below them as they have low energy. 2♥️ and 4♥️ feel comfortable and are places where we can flourish and thrive. But 3♥️ and 5♥️ feel uncomfortable. We don’t want to stay in these places for long but sometimes we get stuck.
2) The Inner Seasons: 6♥️, 7♥️, 8♥️, 9♥️and 10♥️ are the cards that represent our prevailing mood. These are the longer lasting feelings that are around. They may or may not correlate with the season we are in, in our outer world.
3) The Big Questions: Lastly the J♥️, Q♥️ and K♥️ hold questions for us as we pause before setting out into the next moment, embark on the next project or are about to go into our day or the next phase of our life.
C o n n e c t i o n s
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
Permission to Feel - Marc Brackett
The Book of Human Emotions - Tiffany Watt Smith
‘What might you notice if you use the hearts to orientate yourself at the start of every day for a week or two?’