The Q♥️ invites us to think about our ground, our roots and anchors. Have a look into the rock pool on the card. What can you see? How does this speak to you? Everyone's ground is different.

This card is a reminder to think about where we have come from, what has shaped us so far and to think about what this teaches us. What is your story so far? Who were your ancestors? What land have you come from? What makes your culture?

Back in human history we came from small place-based interconnected communities founded on reciprocity and mutuality. Over time and with the changes brought by modernity, we have become disconnected, separated and often un-rooted. We are exposed to many opinions, ideas and beliefs. The world can be confusing and suggests that external values are important like how we look or how many material goods we have.

However, an inner-rootedness is the key to a good life and what we need in these challenging times in human history. Finding rootedness in values and beliefs is important because:

  • our identity, values and beliefs form a core part of understanding who we are

  • stability, like the anchor points of seaweed on rock or the roots of a tree, having a stable foundation in values helps us navigate life's challenges with a consistent set of principles

  • decision-making is made easier if we have values and beliefs which serve as guiding principles aligned with our moral compass and goals

  • relationships matter and connections are stronger when we share values

  • our ethics encourage us into good behaviour and help us to get along with others. If we are rooted with good values then we will act in ways aligned to these principles which gives us a sense of integrity and moral responsibility

  • intention, purpose and meaning. Values and beliefs will help the J♥️ and provide a framework for understanding one's role in the world and the impact one can have

Look back at the image. Can you see the green sea-glass, also known as beach glass or mermaid's tears? This is weathered and frosted glass that has been naturally tumbled and smoothed by the ocean waves and sand over time. We love sea-glass as it reminds us of transformation, resilience, impermanence and that beauty and magic can be found in unexpected places and in things that have been tossed aside.

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To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognised need of the human soul
— Simone Weil

C o n n e c t i o n s

  • Sapiens: A Graphic History by Yuval Noah Harari

  • A Stone is a Story by Leslie Barnard Booth

  • Notes from Deep Time: a journey through our past and future worlds by Helen Gordon

  • Worm by Gail McConnell

  • Species by Tishani Doshi

‘Perhaps you might write in response to the questions posed on the card? Why don't you make a note in your journal about what grounds you to keep this for times when you feel adrift or uncertain. Or perhaps find a small object to carry with you, perhaps a pebble, a shell or your own piece of sea-glass’