“The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about”
The 5♥️ is our hot and hunted area we call the Red Zone. Look at our fox, our goose and lifeless tree. When everything is inflamed it puts us under stress, if this is sustained we get ill. The feelings around the outside are the emotions that live in this zone. Do you recognise them? They are full of energy but feel uncomfortable. If we don't know them for what they are and we don't have safe ways of discharging them or preventing them from arising, they can hurt us or others.
Again have a look at the 5♥️ with Explainer 3: our Three Circles Card. Feelings in this zone relate to our threat system This is a fiery, hot and unpleasant place. We can feel hunted in this place. We might want to run away or to fight. Sometimes when we are under sustained threat we move into the Cold Blue Zone of the 2♥️. But remember, even though the feelings in this place can feel painful and distressing this does not mean they are ‘bad’. Emotions provide us with information and are part of systems designed to keep us safe. For example, disgust at the smell of rotten food, stops us from eating it and potentially getting ill. Anger can arrive when we don’t get what we want or if we feel we have been treated badly. How we respond to the feelings is what is important: wisdom, learning, reflecting and responding are what matters.
If we lash out this is likely to cause all sorts of problems but noticing and harnessing our anger can motivate us to seek justice. We can use The Cards as prompts to reflect and balance, as invitations to respond differently and break our reactive habits. So use these four cards regularly especially if you are not sure where you are. The more we notice (10♠️) the more we have a chance to learn and become stronger and wiser. Perhaps have a look too at Explainer 4. When we are well and healthy we are in flow between our soothing and driving systems. Challenge, scary things and trauma can cast us out so we need paths of return to help us move in flow once again in the Integrated River of Life.
C o n n e c t i o n s
An Alphabet of the Human Heart: the A to Zen of Life by Matthew Johnstone and James Kerr
‘How do you manage these hot and hunted feelings? How can you find a safe expression for them? Write down some ideas and try them out. Look at your ♦️s for support’