“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned”
The 2♥️ is our safe shelter, a soothing area we will call the Green Zone. This is where we experience low energy and pleasant feelings. The image on the card reminds us of the tranquility to be found in the natural world and the images in nature remind us of our need for rootedness and sanctuary spaces where we can settle and nourish, knowing that we belong. You might want to take out Explainer 3: The Three Circles Card (Drive, Threat & Soothe).
The feelings in the Green Zone are associated with our soothing system: of being 'at home' with ourselves and others. In order to have the energy and resources to get up and go and to respond to the threats and challenges life throws at us, we need to balance and regenerate: with time to rest, recover, slow down and recuperate. Evidence suggests that receiving care, affection and support not only stimulates our soothing system but also down-regulates our threat system.
This card is a place for feelings which arise when we are feeling safe, connected and cared for. They are associated with chemical messengers such as natural opiates, endorphins and oxytocin which make our bodymind feel good in a different way to the feelings in the other card that holds our more pleasant feelings, 4♥️ : the yellow zone. We are more likely to feel safe and at ease if we have had the good fortune of enough affection, support and encouragement in our upbringing, our relationships and our experiences. Through compassion-focused work, we can build more safety for ourselves even if we have had less of this in the past.
C o n n e c t i o n s
This House is a Guest House by Rumi
The Most Important Thing by Julia Fehrenbacher
Make a note of times, places, people or practices that bring you into a safe shelter.
‘Can you find a spot in nature which can become your place, perhaps a favourite tree to return to regularly?’