The 2♠️ is all about what we take in to nourish us. Some of this is about food - the stuff of life. This has become very complicated nowadays with so many different messages and offers of treats around the clock. You might want to use the 9♦️ to assist with some perspective as well as your Jokers.
Pause, take a breath and look at our image to take us back to the natural world from which we come and on which we depend.
In human history we were hunter-gatherers. We would survive if we were in tune and at one with our natural landscape. Our ancestors survived because they worked together, and knew how and where to find food. They withstood times of scarcity as well as enjoying times of abundance. Evolution has shaped our dietary preferences, influencing the types of foods our bodies are adapted to consume and crave. We enjoy sugar and fat because these would have provided a lot of energy when food was scarce. However, the modern food landscape has evolved rapidly, introducing ultra-processed and energy-dense options easily and cheaply. These challenge our evolutionary heritage so that when once these foods were unavailable or only available occasionally, now we have access to them in abundance. Many of these foods are also designed to be addictive.
This shift has implications for our health as the modern western diet (also known as the SAD diet: Standard American Diet) has spread around the world is linked to the growing problem of obesity and chronic diseases. If we acknowledge our evolutionary past, we can guide ourselves towards choices that align more closely with the nutritional needs our bodies have developed over millennia. So what should we eat? Here are some simple rules (after Michael Pollan in Food Rules):
- lots of different plants (in lots of natural colours) grown locally by people you trust and in good soil if you can
- eat the right amount at the right time. Not too much
- slow down, be grateful and balance eating and times of letting your body rest.
"Hara hachi bu" is a Japanese term meaning "eat until you are 80% full". This is wise advice from the long lived people of Okinawa and supported by research which shows that this leads to better heart health, longevity and stable healthy weight. Watch your rhythms and habits. We can eat for a number of reasons including comfort. Try to use your wisdom to build good habits
- eat real food. This is made of ingredients you recognise or could cook with yourself. Do you know who is cooking for you? We tend to love (and obey) the people who feed us so there is power here too. Do you know who is feeding you and why?
- share- cook and eat with others when you can, around a table or around a fire.. - enjoy. There can be lots of rules, keep it simple and enjoy and be grateful.
2♠️ is not just about food but also asks us what else do we take in for nourishment? We are fed all sorts of things through our screens. Be care-ful. Stay curious. Which cards can help you? You might want to look at one of the Jokers here. Which fox are we feeding? How do we keep balance? How do we mind our shadow that might be taking us down the easy path but where is that heading?
“Just as food can cause chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure... all disease starts in the gut”
C o n n e c t i o n s
Food Rules by Michael Pollan Food Rules Manifesto
How to Live by Professor Robert Thomas
Metabolical: the truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet by Professor Robert Lusdig
Food for Life: Your Guide to the New Science of Eating Well by Tim Spector
Ravenous: How to get ourselves and our planet into shape
Just One thing podcast by Michael Moseley e.g our eating window
From Blossoms by Li-Young Lee