The 4♦️ invites us to have a look at what is going on inside ourselves.
Being human is complex. Our experience of the world combines both our inner experience, the stories and chatter going on in our mind, combined with matters going on outside of ourselves.
In our modern, materialistic society, we tend to neglect our inner life and get lost in outer concerns. 4♦️ asks us to take a look inside the often messy cupboard of our thoughts, our ideas, our drives, our intuition and feelings. It can feel overwhelming to open the door. But go there regularly, discover what's there and perhaps have a tidy up once in a while.
Regularly having a practice where we sort and tidy up or at least look at what is inside can be really helpful. Which other cards might you use to help here? Perhaps a combination of 3♠️ (creating), 8♠️ (learning) 9♠️ (practicing), 10♠️ (noticing) with a good dose of Q♠️ (compassionate self).
How do we relate to ourselves and to others with what is going on? What needs are going unserved if we are feeling unbalanced?
In the Artist's Way, Julia Cameron encourages us in a daily practice of writing our morning pages. The idea is that you just get words down to help you override your internal censor and develop new ideas and perspectives by writing at least three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness prose before trying any other work. Why not have a go, perhaps for a week or two like taking a medicine and see what happens. You might want to use different cards as prompts to get going. What will you discover?
You may need to use other ♦️ cards to settle after having a look inside. Use the three circles Explainer card to help too.
“Create an environment where you’re free to express what you’re afraid to express”
C o n n e c t i o n s
The Artists Way by Julia Cameron
The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
Ready Steady Flow: how writing for wellbeing could help save our mental health
Consider The Hands That Write This Letter- Aracelis Girmay
‘Why not experiment with writing morning pages every day for the next week or month? What do you learn, what do you discover?’