The J♠️ invites us into the dance of life. The trees rotate around the card in a circle and move through the seasons in a cycle. This is a reminder of the complex web of life. When we are less connected to ourselves, each other and the natural world, we might be lulled into a dangerous forgetfulness of our interdependence. Like the little mouse in the picture, we too are dependent on all that the green beings of the trees provide to us. Giving thanks means giving back.
Much like the balance and harmony of a healthy environment, reciprocity, mutuality and giving back are crucial to the health of human interactions. In a thriving ecosystem, there is a constant exchange among its elements with each component contributing to the well-being of the whole. Similarly in human relationships, reciprocity involves the give-and-take that sustains connections. Mutuality signifies a shared understanding and collaborative effort echoing the cooperative dynamics found in nature. Giving back is essential to regeneration, completing the circle by contributing to the community or environment that nurtured one's growth.
There is plentiful evidence that giving has numerous benefits for both giver and recipient. Whether through acts of kindness, volunteering or charitable donations, giving has the power to improve well-being, reduce stress, enhance physical health, provides meaning and purpose, strengthens social connections and fosters emotional resilience. Embracing these ideas and moving them into action takes us away from our sense of scarcity, isolation and into the wisdom of abundance.
We are at a time in human history where our unbalanced taking is creating poor health. With all the benefits to be gained from giving, what an opportunity we have! How will you find ways to give back? As always, start with small steps and don't discount the power of the tiny things. We will all benefit. Together we can create a harmonious ecosystem and world. Join us in the dance.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘ What are you doing for others?’ ”
C o n n e c t i o n s
The Kindness Matters Guide from the Mental Health Foundation
Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success by Adam Grant
Think about volunteering:
Send Love, It Matters by Carrie Newcomer