The 8♦️ invites us to be more active in our loving.
This can be easy when we like where we are or who we are with, but takes muscular courage when we are in a place or with someone we don't much care for or even dislike.
Active love involves actively expressing care, compassion and goodwill towards others through intentional and meaningful actions. It goes beyond mere sentiment or passive feelings, emphasising engagement and involvement in acts of kindness, understanding and support.
Practicing active love is an attitude, and a practice, the more you do it the easier it is and the more naturally it will happen. Can we demonstrate our love through our behaviour, our choices and how we treat others and all that exists outside of ourselves? This can be a difficult practice, so prepare ahead if you are to be in a difficult situation where your ability to love and connect may be threatened. Draw on the positive energy and creative life-force in you and focus this all outwards.
It can be helpful too to know that we are not alone. That we are all part of the web of life. Can we see our small body as part of the wider body of our communities and further part of our widest body, the world from which we come from and will return to. This is the I, We and the Planet approach.
Take out your Jokers, your Shadow and your Choice cards. Can we all take small steps to contribute positive connections and towards a more compassionate world?
“Hatred is like drinking poison and then waiting for it to kill your enemy”
C o n n e c t i o n s
The Tools: 5 Life changing techniques to unlock your potential by Phil Stutz & Barry Michels
Love and Survival by Dean Ornish
Love Your Enemies: really? - Podcast
Let's Love Each Other by Rumi