The 3♦️ invites us to cultivate a wise mind.
Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions and use knowledge and skills in a thoughtful way to navigate life effectively. Humans have pursued wisdom throughout our history. This has evolved and changed with shifts in cultural, philosophical and religious contexts.
In ancient times wisdom was held in stories: mythology and oral traditions. Philosophical traditions in Greece and Asia emphasised rational inquiry. With the advent of organised religions, wisdom became intertwined with moral and spiritual teachings.
In modern times, diverse perspectives blend traditional wisdom with scientific knowledge. The methods change, there is not one right way, but the essence of seeking understanding and meaningful living persists across human history.
With so much information, how do we cultivate wisdom?
We start by slowing down, starting to notice our habits and patterns of thinking and being in the world. Can we respond with perspective rather than just reacting. Life invites us into a dance. Can we learn the moves, play our part and contribute to the beauty of the dance?
Use all The Cards: they are here to help.
“A wise man ought to realise that his health is his most valuable possession ”
C o n n e c t i o n s
Maria Popova short film 'Wisdom in the Age of Information'
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and the Art of Living by Krista Tippett
The Master and His Emissary and other work by Ian McGilchrist
The On Being Project and Podcast
What is Literature for - short film
For Those Who Have Far to Travel by Jan Richardson
Compost Happens - Laura Grace Weldon